Friday 28 January 2011

Day 25 - Kathmandu 17th April

Woke at half seven today not a bad time, breakfast was again a trip to the supermarket and the bakery opposite, and apple juice, apple Danish and a chocolate doughnut on the hotel roof was bliss! Did some washing after that now drying out on the balcony on my ingenious washing line. Kept an eye on the news all morning but appears no change, the deadline is just being extended all the time but what more can you expect? Skipped lunch collectively, nobiggy, ate bananas, granola bars and peanuts kept the wolf from the door. Went shopping after that to break the monotony of the day and bought my genie trousers. Went out for dinner to a nice restaurant, had a lovely pizza bolognese and 2 cokes all for 630 rupees!! (roughly £6.30) got back to the hotel, watched a bit of news, not lookin' good, phoned home all seems to be well and we may have to be here a while...

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