Monday 31 January 2011

Day 28 - Kathmandu 20th April

One month as of today. Woke at 8 did our usual breakfast routine but also ate our set breakfast at the hotel as well, 'cos it's free. So I ended up having 2 poached eggs, 2 slices of toast w/chocolate spread, a chocolate doughnut and a custard Danish. Watched some news after that but still doesn't help our cause at all. Starting to run low on omeprazole so me and Fiona went to a pharmacy to see what we could find. Ended up returning with a 2 week supply of prescription strength drugs for 150 rupees no questions asked. Just back to internet cafe as it was so cheap have sorted all my emails and revisited facebook and checked my messages on there. Have also sent my under wear etc. off for laundry as well. Went for dinner at the K-Too steak house but had I nice spaghetti with tomato sauce. Came home and lay in bed making shadow animals on the roof with Rob (Very immature!). Sat now in the hotel lobby waiting for a phone call for Rob.

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